Are you afraid of heights? If so, then you're not alone. This phobia is more common than you may think, as it affects millions of people around the world. There are a number of treatments that can help you overcome this challenge. One natural option that should be considered is Hypnotherapy. 

 So how can you tell if you have a fear of heights that requires treatment? If you have a true fear of heights, then you'll attempt to find ways to avoid situations where you might be exposed to heights. For example, you might avoid going to a doctor's appointment if you know that the office is on one of the top floors of a tall building. You might avoid driving across town because in order to get there you will have to cross a tall bridge. These are the types of behavior that might indicate that some form of help should be sought. 


 If you're fear of heights interferes with your daily life and prevents you from performing everyday activities, then you should seriously consider fear of heights hypnosis. You should not have to live your life in fear and avoid activities that you love or need to accomplish. Most, if not all of of the time there is no immediate threat or danger; it's just that your subconscious mind tells you otherwise which leads you to experience feelings of panic. 

 Fear of heights hypnotherapy can help you become more comfortable with being in high places, so you don't have to stress over things such as climbing long flights of stairs or traveling over long bridges that are hundreds of feet above water. Having a little bit of fear is perfectly normal, but when your fear becomes so powerful that it psychologically or even physically paralyzes you, you might want to consider hypnosis treatments. 

 Fear of heights hypnosis helps replace the negative subconscious thoughts which lead to stress and anxiety with more pleasant and positive subconscious thoughts and feelings. Be sure to seek out a certified consulting hypnotist who specializes in overcoming fears. 

 Hypnosis is a natural state, that when achieved, allows your hypnotist to access your subconscious mind. We experience hypnosis when we daydream or focus in on something and experience time distortion. When you watch a movie, read a book, or focus on a project at work and lose track of time, you are experiencing hypnosis. Once a client is guided into hypnosis, the hypnotist can then give positive suggestions directly to the subconscious mind. 

 Your certified hypnotist will identify the feelings and triggers you experience so that the suggestions given to your subconscious mind will be catered to your specific challenge. Regression might also be incorporated into the sessions to identify the initial sensitizing event. Once this event is pinpointed, the hypnotist can reframe the event so that accelerated and profound change is achieved. Often times the fear can be eliminated in just a few sessions. 

 If you're tired of constantly having to avoid situations because they involve great heights, then you should consider fear of heights hypnotherapy. 

 Eli Bliliuos is the founder of The New York Hypnosis Institute. He specializes in helping clients overcome the fear of heights. Eli Bliliuos is a New York native whose interest in hypnosis dates back over 25 years. Eli is a Certified Master Hypnosis Trainer, an NLP Practitioner (Neural Linguistic Programming), and a Consulting NYC hypnotist who has been certified by the International Association of Counselors and Therapists as well as the prestigious National Guild of Hypnotists. For more info, go to Hypnosis

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